Today we explore more than 50 Captivating B2B SaaS Facebook & Instagram Ads, that immediately grabbed our attention and got us excited. If your Ad isn’t attention-worthy within 3 seconds of viewing it, the human brain automatically tunes out and moves onto something else, so be careful!
1) Zendesk
Communication can be considered the top pain point for many organizations. If you have poor communication, both you and the customer will be unhappy; for multiple reasons. Bringing humor to a pain point and making it relatable to one’s childhood (we have all played with a tin can on a string as a kid) is a great strategy by Zendesk.

2) Slack
This Facebook ad by Slack is fun, catchy, and incredibly relevant. There is minimal text, but it offers valid and important points and focuses on key champion words: simpler, pleasant, productive. The emojis with the hands makes the image fun and pop out. Reduce your email by 48.6% is the winning point on our end…who wouldn’t want to reduce their email clutter?

3) MailChimp
This Facebook Video Ad from MailChimp is fun and we love it because it is very strange and different! Nothing better than a short video (6 seconds) to grab our attention right away. Automate your Marketing with MailChimp is more than enough for the message, the clever video does all the work!

4) Shopify
This Facebook ad gets right to the point in getting their ‘hands dirty’. Everybody would love to turn their hobby into their business. If you love what you do for a living, it makes for a more joyful and pain free life. Trying Shopify for Free as the Call To Action seals the deal for us here!

5) SurveyMonkey
Getting people to take surveys can be a struggle at times. Giving them an incentive to do so on the other hand will not only get them to do it, but be excited at the chance to win your prize. SurveyMonkey does both with this Facebook ad example, and also includes some of the other 10 prizes such as a Phantom 2 Drone, and GoPro

6) HubSpot
We love this Facebook ad because it actually looks like a real photo of an employee! The ad copy and emphasis on the 100% free offer makes it hard to refuse.

7) InVision
We love this Instagram ad from InVision, because featuring an illustration of an individual in a wheelchair shows inclusiveness. Featuring someone with a disability is both unusual but very positive in ads. Also, using survey data with a 95% positive review rating, is a good sign to showcase!

8) Squarespace
We loved this Facebook video ad because who in the world doesn’t like John Malkovich? Having the budget to hire a celebrity like John Malkovich is an enormous name recognition help. However, Squarespace stayed within the 7 second attention grabbing video parameter with the celebrity factor as an added layer. For those of you without the budget to hire a celebrity for a video ad, making it funny is always a good hook! We included the full length video for your viewing pleasure.

9) Twilio
Partnering with a recognizable organization such as Salesforce is always a good idea for Facebook ads. It builds trust and garners further interest and the focus on better customer experiences has a positive tone. The red colors stand out well and is catchy. The Call To Action to Sign Up also features an option to join their free webinar which offers further useful info.

10) AdRoll
This Instagram ad is full of personality. Having the option to message/chat with a live person is always preferable to being put on hold or playing phone tag. The woman featured in the ad is friendly, inviting, and is a REAL person rather than a stock photo. This helps with the trust factor. The simple message of helping you hit your marketing goals is relatable in multiple ways, rather than picking a niche area.

11) Zoom
This Facebook ad shows the magnitude of large scale video conferencing, Zoom’s capacity to hold enormous meetings, and in high quality. The image authentically shows the actual experience of the product. The 58% of Fortune 500 companies use Zoom stat is impressive, combined with the soothing wording of: “Work Smoother”.

12) Falcon
This Facebook ad has a lot of wording to it, but the message is clear, intriguing, and delivers well. Social E-commerce is a term many are not familiar with, and as we venture further and further into the future, this will become more common. $6.5 billion in revenue generated from social shopping in 2017 is a staggering number. The term Social E-commerce sounds cool because it isn’t commonly used.

13) Intercom
This video Instagram ad is a winner to us because of the creative imagery, the futuristic look, and the 4 simple stats that show value. The use of the check mark emoji shows positivity, relevance, and convincing reasons why you should not only get a chatbot, but build a custom one with Intercom. Chatbots are becoming increasingly popular and common today.

14) Asana
This video Facebook ad is very smart in its delivery. The one sentence headline is easy to read in 3 seconds, and the video features new projects popping up as the video continues to play. The decision to have more headlines/info in the video rather than in the text of the ad is strategic and works well. Try for Free is also a nice finishing touch as the CTA.

15) Promo
This Facebook video ad is one of the funniest videos we have EVER seen. The furry Dancing Harry jumping around and dancing is enough to grab our attention for far longer than 3 seconds! Combining humor with the value of offering custom marketing videos to help grow your business is the perfect fit!

16) Hotjar
This Facebook photo ad features an interesting looking picture showing what Hotjar actually does. Offering a new and visual way to understand your visitors and users on your website would be of curiosity to any business. Heatmaps, Visitor Recordings, Conversion Funnels, etc. are all good selling points for somebody to wants to click on the Learn More CTA.

17) WeTransfer
This Facebook video ad is perhaps the clearest we have ever seen. Share files up to 2GB for free with no login required is fast, and geared for this day and age. The video literally shows from start to finish the entire process of how WeTransfer works. In 13 seconds you can discover how quick and easy sharing files up to 2GB can be. If this isn’t clear enough, we are scratching our heads!

18) Expensify
This Facebook Carousel ad uses eye popping imagery with easy instructions to follow. The CTA is clear to download the app and “simply” snap a photo of your receipt and then you are done. The rest will be done for you and then you can “get back to what you were born to do” is a nice personalized touch of a message.

19) Vimeo
This Facebook video ad in slow-motion is epic. There’s something so captivating and hilarious as the same time, about watching a bird fly out of a person’s hands. The setting free analogy matches well with the video, and the publish to social with one click is a cool new feature Vimeo is offering. Having a new feature be as seamless as possible is essential.

20) DocuSign
This Facebook photo ad has an every day looking individual with a bright background. The clever use in the image itself of the word Design featuring “Sign” in bold is a nice strategic placement. The messaging is all about reducing errors, boosting productivity, and “going from proposal to close in a tap”. This fast growing SaaS company is a popular one.

21) Funnel
Yes, this Facebook ad has a lot of text it in, but since it it geared towards Marketers we will make an exception to the “less is more” rule. The text has a lot of info in it, but the image looks sleek and the blue background makes it appealing. Providing a solution that saves time is a dream for most Marketers!

22) Whatagraph
This Instagram ad stood out to us because of the use of familiar looking tools and platforms that the majority of Marketers use on a daily basis. This builds instant rapport via the image. Focusing on the pain point of taking ages to complete all your digital marketing reports is a great Call To Action to learn more about simplifying this data via graphs.

23) Hulu
You may have seen these Hulu ads on TV, and various online media outlets. This Facebook ad about Hulu is fun and smart. Their messaging of combining pain and success/happiness gives off a fear of missing out vibe. On top of this, bold black with a green border immediately grabs ones attention.

24) GoToMeeting
This Facebook ad features multiple ways on how to connect to their video meeting tool, focusing on simplicity and personal preference. The contrast of the bright orange with the dark grey Call To Action banner at the bottom of the image is a good strategy too. This allow for the CTA to be listed twice in the ad: once in the image, and once at the ad copy at the bottom.

25) Melio
We loved this Facebook ad because the colors and simplicity of the icons to convey their message is strong. One wouldn’t even have to read the ad copy to figure out what this was all about. Additionally, using the message of fear regarding business check fraud tackles a very real issue about privacy and security in today’s ever changing cyber security minded world.

26) Grammarly
This Facebook ad has a bold and clear Call To Action in the image featuring a simple and fun equation: Grammarly + Gmail = Perfect Emails. The value proposition is obvious in: “Write Flawless Emails”. The simple stock photo comes to life with these added points.

27) Klarna Facebook Ad
Swedish minimalism is all about combining comfort, simplicity, and practicality. This Facebook ad clearly shows it by showing comfort and style in the ad image. Klarna also sticks to this central theme by showing how shopping can be simplified by providing a one-stop shopping app.

28) GetWeave Instagram Ad
Announcing your partnership with a popular brand is a great idea. What I love about this Instagram ad from Getweave is that it immediately provides specific results on its new feature. Plus, sharing specific numerical data is always a positive thing to highlight!

29) Gusto Facebook ad
This Facebook Ad from Gusto definitely stands out because of its effective message delivery.
The 4-word headline is easy to read. The decision to showcase their best features makes their product more appealing. Fast, Easy, Affordable is a great touch to highlight the benefits that customers will get if they use the app.

30) Facebook ad
This Facebook photo ad from Gong features a super cool way of offering advice to your target audience. I like how the ad copy above the image starts with a question to spark curiosity for the reader. The messaging revolves around creating highly impactful conversations during negotiations instead of complicating them.

31) Wealthfront Facebook Ads
This Facebook photo ad is one of the wittiest ads I’ve seen in a while. The image text utilizes the power of the How-To headline.
It is an ideal way to grab an audience’s attention, especially on the subject of growing your wealth. The analogy between bamboo growth and growing your money adds a humorous element to the ads.

Another great photo ad from Wealthfront. We love this Facebook ad because they put emphasis on the growth of money by comparing its status on banks and trees.

32) Blueprint Facebook Ad

This Facebook Ad by Blueprint uses a fun exploding head emoji to make the image stand out and grab the attention of its target audience.
The image text “Ever taken a repeat purchase via text?” is the winning point on our end… it’s a creative yet subtle way to present an offer to an audience.
33) Instagram Story Ad

This Instagram Story Ad emphasizes the struggle of working with multiple documents and sheets. The eye-catchy ad image and fun text complement one another and make you want to swipe up to learn more about Coda’s services.
34) Starry Facebook Ad
Does anyone else get that nostalgic feeling of a fun childhood memory when you look at this ad?
What I love about this ad is its creative imagery to convey the message of ultra-fast internet service. Starry’s clever use of warm colors and astronaut image demonstrates its ability to deliver great customer service.

35) Infinity Facebook Ad
With so much competition in the project management software space, it’s important to highlight the best features of your product or service.
The winning point of this Facebook ad is its use of the phrase “the most flexible” in the headline.
I assume Infinity’s thorough market research found that a lot of their customers want a flexible solution for organizing their projects.

36) NiceJob Inc LinkedIn Ad
This particular one is a LinkedIn ad, but we wanted to share it with you as it could also work as a Facebook ad.
If there’s one thing that this ad was able to accomplish, its credibility.
Using Google reviews on your ads gives you a big credibility boost and has the power to influence consumer decisions.

37) Leapsome Facebook Ad
We love this Facebook ad from Leapsome because it effectively used the concept of presenting awards as a way to build trust and credibility in their brands.
The one-sentence headline easily establishes trust. Highlighting their product features by displaying them as awards is an ingenious way to establish a competitive advantage in their market.

38) Attentivemobile Instagram Ad
Despite its simplicity, this Instagram ad from Attentivemobile sends a very clear message on what their product is all about.
Their value proposition is clearly stated in their ad copy: driving more revenue by using SMS and email marketing.

39) Rippling Facebook Ad
When it comes to selling any product or service it’s important to remember that customers buy because they want to solve a problem or need.
What I love about this Facebook ad is that it sells how convenient their product is.
A good way to showcase how fast customers can see results when using your product is to let them know the length of time it takes for results to occur.

40) Lusha Facebook Ad
This Facebook ad features an awesome headline that shows how customers can get the best of both worlds.
Their messaging of combining their main benefit and their usage of the phrase “without losing data” gives off a clear message of how they can fast track results without losing anything in the process.

41) WordStream Facebook Story Ad
We love this Facebook story ad from WordStream because it catches the attention of online advertisers.
If you’re a fan of Google ads, you definitely want to check out this ad to figure out where you stand against the industry average.

42) Clearbit Instagram Ad
We loved this Instagram ad from Clearbit because its image ad effectively uses customer testimonials as a key content element.
Using customer testimonials in an ad definitely promotes your product in a convincing fashion and immediately establishes credibility to your audience.

43) Hippo Video Facebook Ad
What strikes me the most about this Facebook ad is its clever way of using percentages. It’s an effective way to show how you can achieve stable growth and generate leads over time.
The ad copy is short but effective. It addresses pain points to grab the attention of its target audience and immediately presents a solution to their problem. Then they use a CTA to download a free ebook.

44) Proof Facebook Ad
This ad from Proof uses a blurry Facebook Ad image to emphasize the headline “95% Conversion Rate”. This is a great strategy to build curiosity for the target audience.
The ad copy above the ad image does a great job of using social proof so more people will sign up and test out their script.

45) Swarmify Instagram Ad
This Facebook ad from Swarmify uses a nice, clean yellow background to highlight its brand.
I also like how their ad copy is concise and highlights the best selling points of their offer such as big discounts, better conversion rates, and unlimited video hosting.

46) Regus Instagram Ad
Clean white background and a question headline that asks a pain point of their target audience
It’s simple, concise, and direct to the point.
I also love the subheadline “we can make it better”.

47) Udemy for Business
I love how all the elements of this story ad complement each other to convey what trends business owners should look out for in the future.
I bet Udemy emphasized the number 6 in the ad image to make their target audience wonder how these specific trends would affect them.

48) Mintcro Instagram Ad
Case studies are a staple in many social media ads.
The great thing about this Instagram ad is that it uses a real customer success story and highlights convincing data that shows how Mintcro helped grow the customer’s monthly revenue.
The use of bright green colors and bold text in the image ad is a great touch to emphasize the entire concept of growing monthly revenue.

49) Myopolis Facebook Ad
Myopolis did a great job on this Facebook ad by clearly stating how fast business owners should respond when handling reviews. I love how they used different colors to highlight the words “seconds” and “minutes” to capture the attention of their target audience.
Great touch on using the rabbit and the turtle analogy to highlight the concept of fast response time.
I assume that Myopolis’ customer research found that prospects are currently concerned about response times and higher sales conversions.

50) Brandfolder Facebook Ad
I like how Brandfolder used a different color to highlight the phrase “a better way” to communicate to the prospect that their product is better than their competitors.
A modern solution for DAM is a great finishing touch as the CTA for their target audience.

51) Foundr Instagram Ad
This Instagram ad from Foundr employs the concept of using good quality content with a very native feel on their ads.
Nothing like a great inspirational quote to catch your audience’s attention.

Thanks for reading! We hope you found these examples useful, and can be applicable to strategies you employ in the future. Feel free to share this on Social Media and pass it along to others who could benefit from using these examples.
For more great examples of ad examples, download our free Facebook Ads Swipefile for SaaS.