About Pedro Cortes:
Pedro is a consultant helping SaaS Companies convert more visitors into customers through better messaging and positioning. If you hang out in the SaaS community on LinkedIn, you’ve no doubt seen some of his great content teaching SaaS companies how to dramatically increase website conversion rates.
You can connect with Pedro on Twitter and LinkedIn
Episode Highlights
- How Expandi.io improved their conversion rates by 20% (1.41)
- How SaaS companies can improve their messaging and positioning (3.31)
- Pedro reveals the three key pillars of a successful landing page (4.05)
- The SaaS landing page cheatsheet and how SaaS founders can adopt it for their products (8.16)
- The biggest mistakes SaaS companies are making with their messaging and how to avoid them (10.13)
- The major limitation of analytic tools SaaS founders need to be aware of (15.31)